Notification of change

Notification of change is required when ;

  • your (given and/or family) name and/or address have been changed. (For change of address, please also submit the notification by post mail.)
  • your office, position, affiliation, or expected date of graduation have been changed.
  • your student ID number has been changed
  • In case your position will be changed like "Under grad." to "Grad." , or "Grad." to "Faculty", your membership card (student/staff ID card) should be updated. Please visit KU Co-op members office or KU Co-op shop desks.
  • In case your ID card is missing, please request reissuing at KU Co-op shops or at Members office.

Please complete the form below with itmes before changes. ※required items


Please complete the form below with items before changes

Changed items

Please complete the form below with items to be changed, only

Present address (Please complete the form below with items to be changed, only)

Present address

Family Home Address (Please complete the form below with items to be changed, only)

Family Home Address

(If you don't have Student ID or Staff ID, please type "N/A")